An old fashioned, cottage garden favourite in a new range of warm tones from burgundy to blush. Bachelor’s button produces delicate looking blooms on tall wispy stems. Combine this with an updated colour palette, and the entire effect is incredibly romantic. A favourite of pollinators. Beautiful in the garden and very useful in floral design. Also know as cornflower.
Plant type: annual
Height: 30-36”
Planting depth: 1/4”
Exposure: full sun
Plant spacing: 9”
Approx seeds per packet: 100
How to sow:
Direct sowing is recommend as soon as soil can be worked in early spring, as plants do not transplant well. Pinching is not necessary.
Bachelor’s button is an easy to grow annual. Blooms are edible and make a delightful garnish to salads and deserts. Harvest blooms just as they begin to open. 65-75 days to maturity.